Cobbs Block Central Sculpture Exhibit (Sylvan Lake)

About Cobbs Block
Ken Wessle, a property developer and art collector visited the first Bergen Rocks symposium in 2008. When he developed Cobb’s Block Central in downtown Sylvan Lake he collected three of the Bergen Rocks sculptures and exhibited them there along with several others from his own collection. Contact information for Cobb’s Block is at the bottom of this page.
Cobb’s Block Central is located in beautiful Sylvan Lake, AB.
Virtual Tour

Artist unknown, origin-Denang Viet Nam
Ken says it was a tricky job to get “Mermaid” into the container for shipping. Almost had a mutiny occur with the translator but good old teamwork prevailed and hence Miss Mermaid is here for all of us to enjoy.
"Laughing Buddha"
Artist unknown, origin- Danang, Viet Nam, Crystal White Marble
Ken bought a number of sculptures during his travels in Vietnam and “Laughing Buddha” was a no brainer- Who doesn’t like a big fat guy laughing? Weighing in at 5 tons, he offers wealth and happiness to all who believe.

"I am a liar"
Kim Bong Soo PhD Fine Art Korea, Marble, 2011
Bong Soo studied Fine Art at Kyong Pook National University where he earned his PhD in 2009. The main theme of Kim, Bong-Soo’s is the selfish duplicity of human beings, he has created a complete body of work based on this theme.
A complete section of the indoor museum at Hasalla Art World in Korea is committed to his works in this theme. The character of human beings has been brought to life in his works.
Bong Soo has a series of sculptures around the world that are based on the same theme- he believes that the pursuit of power, wealth and status has made us liars as it creates internal conflict and eats away at one’s soul, never allowing one’s conscience to rest. Not knowing what is true or false makes one lie to appease their goals. Like Pinocchio, one is pulled this way and that by ambition, but not to recognize how this will affect one’s morals, thus I Am a Liar.
"Little Boy in Bath"
Sculptor-Trang, Central Viet Nam, Basalt
Ken commissioned this piece along with a number of others that would give an opportunity to participate in the art of having fun. Dubbed “Bath Tub Art” this little guy is not very happy to be taking a bath. Hence the crying face and outstretched arms waiting to catapult him from the tub prison he is immersed in.

Li Chao, BFA, China, Yellow Marble, 2011
Chao earned his bachelors degree at Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 2004 where he now works as an instructor. He has been actively engaged in the field of sculpture, creating works across China and around the world. He has had public art placed in Germany, Finland, Holland, as well as several other countries.
As 2011 was the year of the Rabbit, it seemed only fitting that Li would create a piece to represent the significance of the Rabbit in the Chinese Zodiac. The sculpture is dedicated to his son as this was also the year of his birth. Chao has sculptures displayed throughout China and other countries in the world. We are very fortunate to have this rendition of a stylized rabbit to commemorate 2011 in Canada.
"Shot me Down"
Alesio Ranaldi, Italy, BFA, Crystal White Marble, 2011
Alesio studied under the master, Salvatore Gerardi in Rome. In his current body of work he is exploring the intraction of two or more elements, the concept of action and reaction. He has been prolific since finishing his studies and his works are found in Australia, Argentina, Chile, Canada, United States (New York) , China, Taiwan, Iran, Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Greece, Switzerland, Turkey , Romania, Russia, Israel, Georgia and Ukraine among other places.
This piece was truly inspirational in its message. When I first saw the rendering, I was immediately taken with the simplistic forms Alessio was conceptualizing. As the transformation took place, it became clear how important the message he was about to deliver would be. We often forget the destruction nature, we as humans place on our planet. This sculpture reminds us of that. The crushing weight put onto the earth by our inconsideration. To amplify the significance of what Alessio created, one only needs to touch the piece. Feel the can as it crumbles under the load. Understand the balance required to hold together the imbalances we create every day. Remember the Earth, do your part.